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IT Security and vulnerability tests

Penetration testing

Website testing

It is integral to the security of personal data that the IT systems used to process it are properly secured. This is particularly important at a time when more and more detailed personal data can fall prey to hacking and malware attacks. Many organisations attacked in this way have subsequently been heavily penalised for failing to secure their systems adequately.

A key way to measurably assess the security of systems is to perform penetration tests to test for vulnerability to 'outside' attacks and damage, and to reveal software flaws and shortcomings. Regular testing will allow you to monitor the level of security, implement solutions appropriate to the current state of the art, and protect your organisation from data loss or leakage and the associated financial and reputational damage.


Penetration testing of internal network

Penetration tests are conducted by high-level specialists. The aim of penetration testing is to verify the actual security status of the network and IT system, including the applications that comprise it. The result of our work is a test report that informs you both about security gaps and vulnerabilities, as well as indicates what should be done to eliminate the detected weaknesses.

Testing will keep your organisation's data and that of its customers and partners safe.


As part of the services, we carry out the following types of testing:

  • penetration tests of a network connection points to the Internet

  • internal network penetration tests

  • tests of applications and websites

  • mobile application security tests

  • analysis of operating systems configuration


Are penetration tests for me?

Do you have a skilled IT team and are convinced that all data is properly secured?

Your company uses external specialists entrusted with the maintenance of your infrastructure or systems and you believe that data security is as it should be?

Your key database is data entrusted to you by your customers and the contract specifies your responsibility for data security deficiencies, including possible breaches of confidentiality?

Without detracting from the capabilities and qualifications of your IT team or the company entrusted with IT support - it is worth checking that nothing has escaped the attention of even the best. Sometimes, simulating an attack or looking for vulnerabilities by a trusted, specialised third party, uncovers imperfections precisely because an 'outsider' has looked at the security.

Remember that when you outsource penetration testing, we all play in the same team. We are interested in demonstrating whether your applications or infrastructure have any vulnerabilities and, if so, how to eliminate them. Your company, on the other hand, will be richer with a professional check, testing of your IT environment and documented results of such security tests. This is not only an investment in a real increase in security, but also in the image of your company. In an era when information security is one of the key values for many entities, by verifying such security by an external company conducting penetration tests, you gain in the eyes of your customers or contractors as a reliable and aware entrepreneur.

Maria Lothamer
Vice-President of the Board
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